Men want to feel proud of who they see staring back at them in the mirror.
Yet, today more than ever, men feel ill-equipped, ashamed, and confused about what it means to be a man and how to become the kind of man others are proud to know.
Men are looking for a road map that would guide them to be forged and shaped into the man they were created to be.

Men today are longing for the resiliency, confidence, discipline, and drive to live out their God-given purpose.
The Purpose-Driven Man is a practical course to equip good men as they journey to live epic lives by unearthing their unique purposes and learning the skills, tools, and habits they need to become the purpose-driven men they were created to be.

I don't know where I'd be in life if I didn't have good men who chose to give generously of their time and resources for my personal and professional development as a man, husband, father, and Marine Corps officer. My hope is to do the same for you.
Check out these FREE resources.

My Name is
Ray De La Nuez
And I help good men become the epic men God created them to be.
But it wasn't always like that. When I was in my early 20s, I felt like I was missing the mark on manhood altogether.
I used to long for a clear roadmap that would give me some sort of direction on how to be more like my friend Micah. He always seemed so calm, focused and strong. People always felt like they could trust him and rely on him for anything.
Meanwhile, I felt inadequate, lost and ultimately depressed. I tried doing what any other young man would think to do; ignore my feelings and wish away my faults.
I tried acting like I had it all together and hid behind a bunch of Christian activities. I tried and tried and yet nothing helped.
Does that sound familiar?
I can't tell you how grateful I was when I finally discovered a biblical roadmap that helped me become the man God created me to be.